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Polices & Procedures



1. Mission Statement

Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company is a community dance company that is open to all. We aim to provide a happy and safe environment in which students can learn performance skills, giving them a platform to develop social, physical, and communication skills that will be transferable to all walks of life.

It is our aim that students at Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company will have increased self-confidence, fitness and most importantly have fun and find new friends.



Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company commitment to Students and Parents.

1. Integrity:
Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company will act in all matters with the utmost integrity allowing students and their families to expect to be treated with honesty, consideration and respect.

2. Competence:
Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company will operate within the limits of the teachers’ qualifications, experience and expertise. All classes will be planned to an appropriate level to facilitate the needs of the students providing feedback in a positive and encouraging way to aid development always adhering to the highest possible standards.

3. Professionalism:
Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company will ensure safety is always paramount and the facilities used for practice are adequate to meet the needs of the students. Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company will also strive to give students the maximum opportunity to perform by building relationships with other organisations and assisting students and parents with advice and guidance for those who may wish to follow a career in the arts. 

Student and Parents commitment to Chloe Elizabth Dance Company 

1. Respect for Others:
Students and Parents are requested to treat others as they would expect to be treated themselves. Negative comments about others appearance or ability are not welcomed. Positivity and encouragement are, Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company is a happy place for children and all members and their families are requested to invest in that.


2. Commitment:
Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company is a performing school that regularly exhibits its work, to this end every member is a member of a team. Whilst it is appreciated that absence is sometimes unavoidable students and parents are asked to make every effort to attend and if it really is not possible, please make the class teacher awear in adance. Refunds are not given for absence, however payback classes are accepted. Children must be dance with us for a minimum of 6months before joining a competitive team, however they may be permitted to enter as a soloist. 

3. Appearance and Bearing:
Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company is a community dance school and as such there are no barriers to entry. There is no registration fee and uniform is not compulsory. Students however should arrive in suitable attire for dance e.g. T-shirt and tracksuit bottoms, or dance wear and some form of appropriate footwear. If further advice is required please contact the principle. 

4. Safety:
Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company has a Child Protection Policy and Health and Safety Policy and parents are requested to be aware of these policies in the interest of serving the wellbeing of the children. Parents are asked to disclose any medical information, allergies or injuries that students may have on the registration form and to provide any amendments to this information if necessary. Parents are also asked to recognize that as with any physical activity there can be a risk of injury and therefore release Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company and its teachers from any liability.


5. Interruptions:
Parents are requested to drop off and collect their children in a timely manner, firstly for there safety and secondly to minimise disturbances to the class. Parents are also politely asked to recognise that sitting in on class is not permitted. Parents will get the opportunity to see their children perform as Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company holds regular demonstrations of work and this is the arena in which parents are requested to view there Childs progress.


6. Photography and Filming:
Photography and filming by parents or students during class is strictly prohibited. During events Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company may employ a photographer to take still images or video footage which is then made available for Parents and Students as keepsakes. These images may also be used to advertise Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company in differing forms of marketing including appearing on the Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company website When Registering to become a member of  a parental consent form for use of images of children will be required to be signed. Parents and spectators at events wishing to photograph or film the event are to be aware of the expectations which are explained in The Child Protection Policy.




Child Protection Policy – 

Policy Statement

Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company is committed to creating an environment that enables children and young people to learn and develop in a safe, understanding and encouraging environment. Our dance company is a family, and the welfare of our pupils is number one priority.

Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company will endeavor to take appropriate actions so that all members of the school are not exposed to possible risk or injury and are committed to protecting all participants from harm whether it is physical, wellbeing or mental health. 

We accept our duty of care by:

  • Ensuring that staff and assistants respond appropriately should physical or mental abuse be discovered or disclosed.

  • Making sure that all staff have DBS clearance

  • Treating all members of the school and staff equally with respect and dignity.

  • All members will be taught by a qualified teacher or training teacher, and the teacher will guide and supervise assistants.

  • Challenging unacceptable or bullying behaviour.

  • Giving enthusiastic and constructive feedback

Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company staff and assistants may be required, at times, to assist a child with dressing or visiting the toilet, we aim for this not to happen at all during class. Parents of children of an age who may need assistance with dressing or visiting the toilet are asked to stay in the waiting room during lessons to reduce the amount of assistant needed by staff.  We may also need to help them adjusting a position to correct them in their dance training.  This will only be done if deemed appropriate and never if a child/member does not wish for it to be done. A teacher may also support a dancer with a hug, or by holding their hand if emotional support is needed in class. 

Chloe Elizabeth Dance Companys principal Chloe Yeomans is specifically responsible for children and child protection. She is the Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company Child Protection Officer and can be contacted on 07874331313.



Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company are committed to the Health and Safety for everyone involved in the school. 

The dance profession aspires to:
Excellence in dance performance. Healthy and effective dance training/teaching. Fit, healthy, confident, accomplished dancers providing positive role-models for future generations. Responsible employment taking into account dance specific industry recommendations in addition to statutory health and safety requirements. Continuing professional development.

All dancers have a right to:
Be taught safely and effectively by an appropriately qualified, trained and experienced teacher. Education in and access to up-to-date information on healthy dance practice, injury prevention and dance science. Safe and appropriate spaces to work in. A working environment that allows for adequate rest, nutrition, hydration. A working environment that is conducive to psychological as well as physical health in order to meet the performance demands of the dancer-athlete.

Dance education and training
For young people and the general public will include:
A basic introduction to warming up and cooling down, nutrition and applied anatomy demonstrated through the teaching. Clarity from the teacher for students and parents on why these are important and how they apply to healthy dance practice.

Working environment
Dance spaces – the requirements for safe and optimal dance practices are:
A clean, non-slippery floor with the appropriate surface for the type of dance. A high enough ceiling to allow jumping, leaping and lifting without obstruction. Enough space so that when limbs are outstretched each dancer has enough personal space not to come into contact with an obstruction/fellow dancer. Natural lighting (for regularly used rehearsal spaces and studios). Well-ventilated. Heating able to be maintained at a comfortable 21c, not going below 18c. Equipment will undergo Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) to conform to its responsibility for electrical safety under the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 (EAWR). Fire procedures are prominently displayed within the building and all teachers are aware of what action to take in the event of a fire.

Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company will only use qualified personnel and engage in safe practice.

The Principal of Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company, Chloe Yeomans, has Public Liability Insurance.


Pupils & Parents


  1. All parents must complete a Registration Form when joining the school with clear information regarding emergency contacts and any relevant medical history. 

  2. A copy of primary and emergency contact numbers will be kept on class registers.

  3. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school of any changes to their emergency contact details

  4. In case of a fire emergency all teachers have a clear understanding of procedures to follow.

  5. The School will undertake regular assessment of risks regarding our premises and any concerns will be raised with the owners.

  6. It is the schools responsibility to keep a fully equipped First Aid Box within the building. In case of an incident an Accident report must be completed and a copy given to parent/guardian on collection.

  7. One First Aid teacher to be present at all times. 

  8. If required the school will contact the emergency services first, then the parent / guardian of the student(s) involved by the telephone number on the class registers.

  9. Parents understand that dance is an active sport and injuries can happen. The school accepts no responsibility for injuries sustained via any means other than a teacher’s negligence.

  10. Pupils will be supervised during class time only and parents / carers must ensure the safety of their children in the car park, waiting, changing and toilet areas.

  11. We hold no responsibility for children and young adults using the grounds around the building. This is extended to the stream where access is strictly prohibited.

  12. Children are not permitted behind reception desk area at any time.

  13. Students/parents or guardians should inform the teacher of any special health considerations or existing injuries before participating in class

  14. Parents must be responsible for ensuring your child’s punctuality.

  15. Dress code must be observed at all times, especially footwear for safe dance practice.

  16. Only indoor dance shoes should be worn inside the studio to protect the floor and for health and safety reasons.

  17. Shoes/socks must be worn when using the toilet facilities.

  18. Pupils should not wear any jewellery that may pose a risk to themselves or others (stud earrings, and jewellery worn for religious or cultural reasons are acceptable).

  19. No food (or chewing gum) is allowed in the studio. Water is permitted in cap bottles.

  20. No child will be allowed to leave the studio with anyone other than a parent unless confirmed with teacher prior to class either verbally or via email.

  21. Ensure all pupils are wearing appropriate dance wear/uniform and footwear to minimize accidents or risk

Safety/protection clothing must be worn when appropriate, i.e. knee pads






1. Open Space Studios CIC has a sign in policy, At CEDC our teachers will sign you through the form of register.


2. No waiting in reception (unless permission is granted by our principle - this will mainly be for mini students. parents must sign in/out of the building if waiting)


3 . Pickup, where possible we will use a one-way traffic, you will enter through our front doors, walk through the studio, and out through our back exit. Where this is not possible only 10 parents will be able to pick up at a time.


 5. We need written permission by parents is children are walking home, of exiting the building alone.


6. Masks are not required in the studio, parents are advised to wear masks on pickup for safety. 


7. Please get children to use home toilet before attending class to reduce the toilet use in class.


 8. Toilets will be wiped down after ever use by the student. (Except mini, we will use a disinfect mist)


9. Studios will be fully sanitised every afternoon and evening with regular daily cleaning.


11. Temperature will be checked entry, anyone with a high temperature will be sent home immediately.



For more information on how each building is monitoring COVID-19 please contact Open Space Studios CIC and Pant Memorial Hall. 


PLEASE BE SENSIBLE, if you have any signs of COVID-19 do not attend public activities and self isolate. With the procedures we have put in place, we aim to continue our dance club as "normal' as possible for our students. Social distancing will be strictly followed at all times.  



Chloe Yeomans



©2015 by Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company.

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